This is a blend of essential oils that when combined, promote mental focus and clarity.
Ingredients: cardamom essential oil, frankincense essential oil, lemon essential oil, pine essential oil, rosemary essential oil
Suggestions for use:
- Diffuse 2 to 3 drops in a diffuser at your desk when you are needing to get down to work.
- Add 2 to 3 drops to your aromatherapy locket.
- Add several drops to an aromatherapy inhaler to be used as needed on the go.
- Although this blend can be used topically when diluted in a carrier oil, the lemon is photosensitive. Therefore, you cannot go into the sun for 12 hours after applying.
Cautions: This essential oil increases your photosensitivity. Do not use on skin for 12 hours prior to being in the sun.
Essential Oil Safety:
- For external use only, DO NOT use internally.
- DO NOT use with children without consulting with an appropriately trained healthcare practitioner.
- DO NOT use during pregnancy or while nursing.
- DO NOT apply undiluted to skin – do not exceed 2% concentration.
- DO NOT apply to eyes, sensitive areas or mucous membranes.
- May be toxic to pets if not used properly.
Be Focused Blend